What kind of energy does your soul want to associate with?
This format of writing is derived from my own reflections lately. Feel like sometimes it might be fun to share even it's just a very short piece of writing along the journey.
When I started to walk on the timeline that felt more aligned with my soul, I could sense the characteristics, feelings, and energy that this soul timeline emitted to me as it kept feeding information in terms of energy, and feelings along the way. The more I stay on the track, the more I remember how the feelings should be when I was walking on the soul path. And the more I’d be able to distinguish if something I bring into my life is a congruent energy with my soul. But of course, I’m not perfect. Not always 100% aligned with my soul. I remember how just a little thing like… I signed up for the dentist's place felt off to my soul as well and the place was giving the energy that was the energy that my soul did not want to keep pursuing anymore. I remember walking into the clinic and the staff was treating me like I was a super VIP guest. And from that day I realized that it was not what it felt right to my soul, so I just politely said goodbye and walked away. Again, if something feels off to your soul does not mean that it’s a bad thing, it's just that it’s not vibing with your soul and on the opposite, this exact thing could be just fine for other people’s souls.
So, from that day until now, I have been very surprised by how living life at best aligns with my soul, and it is something that I need to be very mindful of (even where I go to see the dentist). This is far more than what I would have done with my life back then when I wasn’t so cautious about who, what, and the energy I engage myself with. I’ve found that it was so crucial for me personally to choose wisely what energy I want to bring into my life especially if it’s on a day-to-day basis, I believe that it can shift the whole energetic timeline that I’m currently on. This energetic timeline is also alive and keeps interacting, feeding the information through feelings, and energy to us. It’s basically interacting with us and shaping our actions and outcomes. It’s a two-way interaction. Therefore, it will be so important to choose the right energy to pave the right timeline that gravitates toward your soul.
Quick Question Prompt: What kind of energy does your soul want to associate with?